I'll Make You Famous…




Beyonce Ass of the Day

I saw some story that Britney Spears beat up one of her staff members, which is convenient…a friend of mine said “she’s not that innocent”….to which I say…her loneliness is probably killing her….or maybe it’s all a fucking bullshit story because they need to prove she’s crazy to do whatever they can to get power over her so it doesn’t disrupt their earnings. Pretty disgusting example of how the system doesn’t work for everyone….even rich people…because humans are pieces of shit..

The good news is part of their campaign to make her look crazy, they’ve got her out here doing amazing hand bras…

I do not really give a shit about 40 year old tits, but it’s BRITNEY BITCH….and I love this fucking meltdown…assuming it is even Britney…and not some Britney Filter on a stripper while she’s in the fucking cell..RELATABLE….

Oh look Beyonce is showing you her 45 year old ass that is probably a CGI or Augmented Reality version of Beyonce to manipulate you into her web of lies….that I am sure she’s been pushing for a long time..

I know, conspiracies right….but Jay Z and Beyonce have been some of the biggest names in entertainment who like to use EVIL symbolism in all they do…so by default you should look at everything about them as potentially evil…but that’s just some bullshit conspiracy right…

She’s just posing next to fire with her almost hot fat mom ass out a few weeks after torching the Church she owned in New Orleans…alright…

Sure her body looks alright, better than it did when she was 25….which makes no sense, how could that happen…I wonder…

I generally don’t think any of the shit I see on the internet is even real…it’s just all manipulation…such an easy platform to fake shit on….so I’ll assume that this isn’t real either….

So whether it’s a CGI or AR, photoshop and filters…ass injections and other procedures….some wizard witchcraft shit….it’s still a fat famous rich mom ass…and I think these came out a few weeks ago…but who gives a shit..


Posted in:Beyonce