I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

If you need to remember how big of a puppet the general public is, just look how people on your social media who are losers who buy into “pop culture” are reacting to Kanye’s listening party that he streamed, acting like he’s the messiah, acting like he’s some prophet….while incorporating known satanist Marilyn Manson into his act and more importantly, having been married to the devil herself, who has single handedly destroyed society with social media as one of the evil participants in this money grubbing system of pigs…Kanye’s been programmed motherfuckers, it’s a known fact, he even glitches the fuck out on the regular…the least down to earth or christian thing out there tricking people to turn to him as a spirit guide…horrible.

You’re being marketed to fools..

People think they are so unique, don’t realize they are all part of the same species that are easy to manipulate, and you’re being manipulated dumb fucks.

There’s a reason for psychology, sales, marketing, propaganda, fear mongering, even pick up artists use the same tactics…and they work…

Brands use it, governments use it, used car salesmen use it, dudes trying to get laid use it…you’re not unique, you’re not smart, you’re not aware, you’re a fucking puppet and you fall for ALL this bullshit…

Now, you can tie that into COVID pretty easily, feared into fearing a rebranded flu, lied to about the virus origins, put through weird social experiments of masks and social distancing that doesn’t work, tested for the virus with tests that don’t work, then gien vaccines that don’t work so they can implement vaccine passports for the vaccinated that aren’t protected because the vaccines don’t work….and people are still defending them, begging for the unvaccinated to not get medical treatment, to not be treated as equal humans, and the unvaccinated are the ones who should be protected, since the vaccinated according to a recent study have 251 more virus in their noses than the unvaccinated and to make things EVEN worse..people who had covid have 13 times more immunity than a double vaccinated, so why the fuck would anyone with covid get the shot….because they were marketed to…and why would anyone vaccinated defend the regime…because they’ve been marketed to…it’s like you’re shaving your own head before getting into the electric chair…fools.

In conclusion, they rebranded the flu, Kanye’s a false prophet working for Satan, it’s all the same players involved in all the crazy going on and you’re a fucking idiot.

Don’t be a fucking idiot….now click these links and figure out a way to send me crypto currency because I want to buy a yacht. THere’s gotta be at least one rich guy out there drunk and confused and in the mood to throw a million dollars for an NFT of mine….

Kim Garner’s Got Booty!

Victoria Justice Surf’s Up Serf in her Bikini

Manchester United’s “Sexiest Fan” Welcomes Cristiano Ronaldo Back to the Club

Explain this Picture To Me

Fat Guy Can’t Handle the Taser

Bird Steals a GoPro

Detroit Man Petitioning For Speed Bumps Gets Denied, Gets Hit By A Truck

The Time When Usain Bolt Crashed Into The Flower Girl!

Dancing with the Stars Goes Gay

Cam Sluts Are Amazing….

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