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Workout Wednesday of the Day

If you’re tired of fat fucks who eat fast food and junk food all the fucking time, trying to steal your personal freedoms of choice, your body your right, because not all medical treatments are for everyone, by helping push the agenda that it is being pushed on them, because they are fat fucks, too lazy to research or pay much attention and who just want to be left to their eating, so they can watch their stories on the tv, with no real need to ever leave their pods…..

Then look at some fit bitches getting fit because they know if there’s an impending apocalypse they best be fit, plus it looks hotter, feels better, and keeps you healthier…but yeah BEING HEALTHY SUCKS…give me more donuts…medicines will keep me alive…why use the body that nature gave me when I can CONSUME what the big businesses tell me to…..

Posted in:Workout