I'll Make You Famous…




Kourtney Kardashian’s Back Door Doesn’t Have a Code of the Day

In totally uninteresting news, Kourtney Kardashian, the one that was marketed as the hot one when Kendall was still a kid, but who was never the hot one, because you can’t have a hot one, when they are all piles of dog shit, it’s like saying one cancer is way sexier than the other, it’s still fucking cancer….

But yeah, in taking a break from being fingered, or being super sexual in her 40s with Travis Barker, who looks like a scrawny monster with AIDS, trying to be hot with her old lady body that she has tons of plastic surgery on because she’s of the TROLL variety….she accidentally went live…

In the video, she says her back gate code is not set and that the 0 doesn’t work…so use that however you will…

Dog shit humans…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian