I am sure the experts would argue that you should probably workout every day and in my not so expert opinion I’ll say that people are fat as shit as they live in their pods eating shitty fast food instead of real foods because real food is healthy and fast food and junk food is corporate owned and there are shareholders to keep happy…so fuck going to self sufficient farmers with their high quality organic nutrient rich foods…that’s crazy talk….get some toxic shit…delivered to your door for a fee because you’re too lazy to get out there and get it for yourself you sick fuck…
Imagine what your ancestors who had to work the land to feed the family, you know hard working people, would say about your life choices you greedy, lazy fucking pig…
Anyway, I don’t do fitness and I am a fat fuck who eats basically dog shit food on the regular, but at least I am aware of it…at least I know that fat kills, which is why I married my wife, never expected her to last 25 years…but she did…
I also know that I take the “NO MASK” approach to life, only instead of masks, I “No Fat Chicks” allowed…the right kind of discrimination…
So here are some fit chicks being fit to remind you that even if you don’t work out, fit chicks are hotter than the alternative, let’s celebrate them for their athleticism and ability to ride fat lazy guy dick assuming they still work with all those cormorbidities….
Posted in:Workout