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Vanessa Hudgens in Shape Magazine of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens is in SHAPE MAGAZINE showcasing the SHAPE of her nipples which is what I’ll assume Shape Magazine is about, nipple shape, not being in shape is not very inclusive in this era of fat fucks, and objectifying a woman based on her nipple shape, or her fitness shape is BAD…you PATRIARCHAL MISOGYNIST PIG….but body shape, that’s so much more inclusive, just post and show your shape, fat or thin, in shape or a pile of shit on the couch…it’s the modern wellness mag “DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT BECAUSE WE DON’T WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE”….

Vanessa Hudgens is not offending me with her fitness level, fit body, or nipple shape, in fact, I encourage more detailed pics of her nipple shape, so that I can really get a grasp of what they look like, for when I make my Vanessa Hudgens bust out of my Canadian Thanksgiving Mashed Potatos…FUCK THAT TURKEY RIGHT.

I think it’s the Year of Vanessa Hudgens, some call ia Pandemic, I call it the era Hudgens found social media and used her celebrity to let the other bitches of social media know what a professional is capable of….her content’s been racy, her tits been bigger, her face more instagram muppet and filtered and THAT is what we want out of the early to technology, early to nudes, and in one of these pics, you can see the fatness of her vagina, which like the nipple shape, is wonderful to stare at….what a goddess..

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens