I don’t know if they are still pushing this medical worker vaccine mandates, but they are pretty shitty, because the heroes of last year, who they needed last year to push the plan, so call them heroes and they’ll go along with how terrifying the whole thing is, how they are on the front lines…
It’s the reason I have a hard time believing any of the pro-vax and any of the anit-vax people, because they are all just trying to push their own agendas, running with the thing they said that put them on the map…so you just can’t believe any of these fucks…they by definition are eager to get noticed, to get paid, to get book deals…VERY few of these people are fighting the good fight for intrinsic reasons…to save the world…or whatever…they are all in it for themselves…
So anyone with a basic understanding of the human exprience, knows to not trust anyone who benefits from what they are saying…that applies to skeptics and the leaders alike…
Anyway, the Medical workers…brainwashed and manipulated into feeling like heroes, superstars, etc…are no longer useful, especially if they go against the program…are now the enemy getting fired, because they don’t believe in a shot for their own reasons, which is totally reasonable since the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread of covid…and thus basically useless…
So I hated on them for playing up the pandemic like the puppets they were tricked into being….but I don’t blame them for that anymore, I actually feel bad for them having to risk their livelihood over nonsense…and some are legit getting fired…I’ve seen the videos and it’s evil.
That is why I support them in their NUDITY…it’s an alternative revenue stream, one that can pay far more than nursing, so all these unvaccinated people, at least the non christian ones, have options cuz we like the idea of a nurturing woman who likes saving people, providing compassion as they change our diapers, or whatever it is nurses do….because some nurses are in it for more than just a pension….and with that I support their NUDES…and you should too.
Posted in:NURSES