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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

In the event you feel like you’ve been lied to by Science over the last 18-20 months, you’re probably right, but who am I to tall you that you’re right, I mean these are things people need to come to terms with on their own. You know the process of evil corporations owning basically entire systems is a terrifying concept and probably better to just passively bow down and let them have their way with you, some people have rape fantasies, who knows, maybe they’ll like it, I mean they seem to fucking like it….love it…live for it…let em, even if they are contributing to the fall of fucking society.

So yeah, Science has been bastardized by the media and social media, to push some storylines that may or may not be real, and a big bulk of people hopped on board because they confused body autonomy with political parties or not being woke enough….

I will say that there is still merit to science, if you approach each hypothesis as you are supposed to approach it, like it is a theory not fact and that you should challenge it to try to break the theory, to strengthen it….

So people and their vaccine nonsense, or with their covid nonsense, or their social distancing nonsense….trying to fight remedies outside of the agenda….including NATURAL IMMUNITY…WHICH IS INSANE…because facts are fucking facts…and when you’re being lied to and presented with conflicting facts…they are no longer facts…

ANYWAY…Science says that the waist to hip ratio is what men are attracted to, because it represents actual WOMEN, and in an era of TRANS people being thrown on us in a weird and freakish way, they’re even saying if you don’t fuck a tranny, vaccinaeted or not, you are a transphobe…making it a hate crime to not want to fuck a man who pretends he’s a woman…fucking NUTTY

I believe in science, I believe in facts, I believe in the Ratio….Here are girls and their ratio…Real women…potentially real women…WHAT A CONCEPT! I’m so old school.

Posted in:The Ratio