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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Medical Workers are the heroes of the pandemic and arguably since before the pandemic because as much as I think the health care system is corrupted by the Hospital admins and the insurance companies, I’ll assume most people get into healthcare to actually help people. I know people who have been saved my doctors and their support staff, I know people who have had sex with nurses and they say they’ve been very considerate and not very scared of bodily fluids…like you can shit on a nurse and she’ll be into it because she changes diapers all day….kind of thing…even though I think they have lower levels at the hospital do the whole diaper changes but you get what I am saying, they don’t fear germs, hence why they get naked on the job.

I felt the bigging up of the healthcare workers was a ploy to get them playing up the COVID thing….so I wasn’t really into that…

I felt that telling them they were heroes made them think they were more important than they were….

Then a year later, they decided to turn on the healthcare workers and fire those who were outliers who didn’t fully subscribe to their program, and I guess some of those people are now doing this new business full time, because when life gives you lemons, you get naked on the internet with them….it pays more than a day job that doesn’t appreciate you.

I find healthcare worker porn, or nudes pretty gross from a virus and bacteria level, but they are these healthcare workers are the heroes we need because they get naked and that’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:NURSES