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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I hope you didn’t read the news over your long weekend, because they are trying to demoralize you, they are trying to destroy you, so just fucking chill out…

How about that new variant…

Nothing like some HEALTHCARE HEROES so swamped with this PANDEMIC that I think is totally blown out of proportion, with a 99.7 percent survival rate, meaning if you die of the shit, you’re probably a weak fuck who will die of something else anyway…so why fucking bother caring….

Then there’s the whole psychological warfare, censoring alternative treatments and natural immunity shit, that they say people who had SARS in 2004 can’t get COVID because they are immune…interesting storyline right…as they push these vaccines on people then fear monger the fuck out of you….because they are evil and demonic and trying to control you…

I am surprised people bought in, instead of saying fuck off, yet HERE we are…psychos injecting their kids who are at NO risk of the virus…but then this experimental medicine can just fuck em up hard…

It’s given me a far worse opinion of people than I previously had, I had NO idea that we became those people…I guess that’s the whole alienating myself from society far too fucking long that I just thought people were the same as they were a decade ago…they aren’t….

The AI and INTERNET destroyed them….

I see the soccer players dropping dead…THAT is the new normal, unprecedented times, or whatever….

I see people getting fired from their fucking jobs, even healthcare heroes, all because they don’t want to take medicine that they’ve admitted don’t work, so just take more of it, you BIGOT….

Where are they going to go with this? Who fucking knows…But be happy the healthcare workers aren’t too bogged down with this shit..because they’re still producing, in the cockiest of ways, content you can jack off to from the job…in the uniform….wild.

Posted in:NURSES