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Frog Butt Friday of the Day

Frog Butts are a pose going viral amongst the ladies of the internet who get naked on the internet for either a thrill, or money, because people get off to people getting off to them, women are like CHOOSE ME, not that PORN SLUT, because I AM REAL, or on par with the PORN SLUT….in what I think is weird because girls used to think PORN SLUTS were cheap, chasing low hanging fruit, and no matter how much they made, it was BLOOD MONEY, repulsive and shameless…or desperate…but all that went out the window and it’s become a business, a respectable business and I guess we get to see girls in Frog Butts we’d never se in Frog Butts….so that’s a win, even if longterm it will lead to a very fucked up society….but we’re already in a fucked up society….these REPTILIANS made it happen…which is funny because FROGS are not even REPTILES…so explain that.

Frog Butts, they’re a pose…I’ll look at them all and love them all equally!!

Posted in:Frog Butt