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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

When it comes to body empowerment or the whole body positivity movement, we’re forced to deal with the loudest voices in the room, which for the most part aren’t the majority, which is a good thing when it comes to that woke agenda that they pretend is the way of the future, but is really just a fucking joke to most people….because it’s a fucking joke…that is trying to say jokes are illegal or mean or hate speech just because we laugh at people’s ailments like man has done since the dawn of time…like if a bitch is fat, the bitch is fat and we must remind her of that everyday so that she knows her fucking worth….tinder, dating apps, hook-ups, and social media has given them a false sense of confidence, or worse, activism…where they pretend to be hyped on being lazy fucking slobs…no one is hyped on being a lazy fucking slop..it’s more a throwing the fucking towel in situation…

Anyway….when it comes to body empowerment, body positivity, not being ashamed, there are a few groups taking note off…the small titty girls saying “I HAVE SMALL TITS AND I AM PROUD”…because they do it by showing their tits and I like all tits…even ugly tits…even uneventful tits…and they do it for LABIA support and BUSH empowerment…meaning girls are out here showing off their lippy cunts…being like “I AM HUMAN HEAR ME ROAR BY LOOKING AT MY LIPPY CUNT”….take that misogynists…..YOU SURE SHOWED THEM….your cunt so they can sexualize and jerk off to you like NATURE intended….like BULLYING the weak….IT IS HUMAN NATURE!

Posted in:TINY TITS