I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Roberts Swimsuit of the Day

Emma Roberts fucked off to Costa Rica after having a falling out with her husband or boyfriend that came in her at least once…because they have a baby together….ewwww…don’t they know cumming in the ass, face, tits, anywhere but inside her, even if it is more intimate in this soulless world where everyone craves intimacy….it means stuck to a motherfucker for 18 years at least and that’s annoying….but it happens…

But yeah, he got arrested in the break up, because he obviously is a wimp who think Emma Roberts is the top of the charts, when he can just go pull 8 chicks a day being the dude who had a kid with Emma Roberts, all 8 of those chicks hotter than Emma Roberts and probably less annoying for not being the level of Eric Roberts Daddy issues she must have….even though they all have daddy issues…use that fact from your IMBD “HAS CHILD WITH EMMA ROBERTS” to secure more pussy…loser…

So when he was out getting arrested, she went to Costa Rica for for ECO TOURISM escape, maybe some TAX evasion, and in being in COSTA RICA she’s in Bikini and I’ve always found her hot, even though I think someone who’s already knocked her up can pull hotter chicks, you know been there done that, but I haven’t…so I still see the good it has to offer…

Which is why I’m staring at her ass.


Posted in:Emma Roberts