I'll Make You Famous…




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are Titties Too..

I know that goes without saying, but Tiny Tit Lives matters..

Even redneck, half retard dudes I assume are the TARGET MARKET for this cesspool of a site realize that Tiny Tits are hot, we take what they can get….but there are still a handful of people who say girls with small tits look like little boys, only if you want them too…you sick fuck….

Real men don’t give a fuck about the size of the tits, we’re here for the vagina…

I wrote a meme earlier that I didn’t put together properly…

It read:

Girls are like – I only date him if he’s a billionaire

Guys are like – I only date her if she’s got a vagina and isn’t dead, but the last part is negotiable.

You see I can be hip, relevant, youthful in my out of touch posting babes with small tits and endorsing them like they don’t know their small tits are hot…because they do know their small tits are hot….

I make memes…

Posted in:TINY TITS