I'll Make You Famous…




Iskra Lawrence Lingerie of the Day

This makes me laugh, but it could just because fat girls always make me laugh, I guess part of being fat is being comedic about being fat, since the whole fat thing is the ELEPHANT in the ROOM and sometimes the Elephant with my dick in it and occassionally the elephant who’s ass I am eating as part of my own Japanese game show concept I am working on called “What Did I have for Lunch”…

This makes me laugh because ISKRA who I am convinced is a fake fatty, the kind of fatty who decided to become fat because being able bodied wasn’t working for her, right at the time when the world decided to campaign for fatties, like they are currently campaigning for anyone with a glitch, imperfection or FULL retardation…

Meaning, she’s making a joke about “first lingerie shoot since pregnancy”….this is 2 years post baby making…and I’m like “Bitch you looked pregnant your entire career, that was the whole fucking point”….and if anything she ATE all she could eat to really have that gut she needed to fool the fools into thinking she was a legit plus sized not just a faker….CLICKBAITER..

So yes. normal girls starve themselves out for a shoot, fatties CHOW DOWN for a shoot….and the idea she’s concerned about the lingerie shoot, like she’s insecure..like treadmill walking and diet was every part of her hustle…and to act like it was is insulting to those of us who are onto her….and to the legit fatties out there she steals work from….but at least its not stealing food from them…that’d cause real protest..


Posted in:Iskra lawrence