I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Thanks to a badly executed WWE level bitch slap between trained actors…one who played Mohammed Ali….in what is now being exposed as being total bullshit despite people all hopping onto the internet to share their opinions on violence, using love as a defence for violence, in a “I wonder what they were trying to achieve” beyond a viral moment to get people to tune into the show, knowing the only way to get people to watch a show, is with fights and/or sex and they weren’t about to let Jada take Chris Rock while Will Smith watched like they do back home, it’s just not family friendly and we haven’t been reduced to that level yet…..instead…BITCH SLAPS…because these celebrities know they are meaniningless, losing out to influencers, and no one cares about them and that makes them sad…..I can’t imagine anyone watching the Will Smith as Serena William’s daddy movie…and if they did it was because it is available for free on streaming apps..and for someone with a 35 year career as America’s Sweetheart that must hurt….WINNING AN OSCAR when no one is watching is like NOT winning an OSCAR at all and after years of serious Oscar quality roles he’s strategically taken…this peak moment in his career for his ego needed an audience….

If you don’t believe me, look at Chris Rock’s face bad as he braces for the smack….NOTHING in HOLLYWOOD is Real…it’s all just sorcery.

Anyway, the problem is that no one realizes that it is sorcery, so we’re no dealing with the death of the insult comic….

As someone who loves insult comedy, who feels people need to be roasted, it’s sad to see comedy shift from trolling people who have won because we are supposed to care about their feelings….and everyone is on board…

Probably because everyone is so serious and uptight and sensitive and annoying that they can’t handle a little non sexual rimming….MY FEELINGS….THEIR FEELINGS….OUR FEELINGS…..CRY CRY…..CYBERBULLY ARE BAD…..

They are trying to say it is cheap and mean spirited and not good comedy to destroy a person at their core, target their insecurities, point out their obvious flaws, run off some stereotypes, you now ROASTING….

To which I say, if you can’t point and laugh at someone or call them out on their bullshit, or their retardation, ailments, or things that make them different, especially if they are celebrity, paid for that trade off, then comedy is dead.

But we already knew that, it died on this site YEARS ago…didn’t it.

Here are some stepLINKS….

Patrick Mahomes’ Mom Weighs In on Will Smith’s Slap Heard Round the World

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Buccaneers GM Jason Licht Won’t Comment on Tom Brady Beyond Next Season

Jason Mamoa an Kat Beckinsale May Be Fucking

The Reasons Women Shouldn’t Breast Feed in Public by a Big Titty Breast Feeder Mom

Why are Rolls Royce’s So Expensive

What Flight Attendants Think About During Flights

Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts

Posted in:stepLINKS