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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Big girl Wednesday is probably one of the worst posts around, but it’s not my fault, I do it for inclusivity, you know tag and label each bitch like cattle and drop her in a category like they do about everything in this new era of everyone wanting to fit in, just not into a reasonable sized pant.

If you know what I mean…

Big girls are not my thing, but they are someone’s thing, because what you’d think was discount bargain basement late night or anonymous so no one knows you got with it pussy…are presenting themselves as if they aren’t that…they charge full retail price motherfuckrs.

It’s a real trip for anyone who remembers when fat girls were too shy, lonely, and disgusted with themselves to slip into lingerie….they didn’t even make the lingerie in their fucking size at the time…it’s as if the population skews unhealthy the nude ladies skew unhealthy too…because no matter what they tell you….fat is unhealthy…but it can get naked and naked above all..so support these big girls being naughty girls no matter how insane, terrifying, possibly disgusting you may find it.

Posted in:Fatty