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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

They must be trolling us with this trans shit, you know like they are trolling us with the gas price shit, you know that they could make gas free for everyone, but why would they ever do that, just like you know that any dude who thinks he’s not a dude, is just playing with you….

The funny thing is that the non binary trans folk out there are the ones who are creating the binary gender roles, because they’ve decided they either hate themselves and it is their gender’s fault, or they love themselves so much that they must be above gender, when binary gender of penis and vagina just doesn’t apply to them….

That’s not seen as crazy, that’s seen as normal…What is seen as crazy is believing in God….

So the gender roles they are trying to defy, is their own weird fantasy or delusions, because dudes can wear women’s panties if they are weird enough, like girls can grow out their beards if they are weird enough, men can get breast implants if they are weird enough, but to say that a man isn’t a man because he takes pills to make him womanly, is just some Halloween level troll…

You’re still a dude…..

I’m of the school of thought that you can cut whatever body part off you want, take whatever drugs you want, but when you start lying about it, I get annoyed, and when you get the support of the media on board pushing the insanity, I want no part of it.

That’s not a hateful thing to not cater to or buy into nonsense, a dude who thinks he’s a girl, dresses like a girl, lives as a girl is still a dude, and I am sure he knows it better than all the people pandering to him…

It is irresponsible to play along with his crazy.. Your gender is what you are born with…stop the nonsense…how you live isn’t your gender….so when you see pyscho teachers mad that people dont’ want them teaching and confusing kids with that shit, you know they are crazy too…..

The best thing about it is that the world is so fucking nuts on every level, that the pronoun troll isn’t even the biggest issue, unless you’re the one who just ate a tranny’s pussy not realizing it was a dick as it came down your throat because you’re just trying to be inclusive, modern, and not some toxic male….or maybe you’re a closet case, either way, enjoy the Monkeypox.

Here are some stepLINKS….

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Nick Cannon is Having Baby 9

Fox Chased From the Chicken Coop

Man and his Monkey POX Anthem

Busty Sunny Sonia is Posing with her Plant – NUDE

Cam Sluts Are the Best Sluts!

Posted in:stepLINKS