I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I avoid social media, I just think it’s demonic, evil, trash that has ruined humanity, which we could argue was always ruined, but is worse now that we have to see every thirsty fuck trying to get ahead……

There is a whole trend, or there was a trend in celebrating fatness, because people were fat, so you have to show them other fat people, to make them feel good about being fat, so that they buy your products to try to be less miserable, not realizing they are miserable because they are fat….

Now they all edit themselves into being a hot version of themselves, because they know that ugly and average looking girls don’t actually belong in the mix, and this whole faking it is just faking it…because people like HOT things….not gross things that want to be treated like hot things because that’s the fair thing to do.

I choose to celebrate people who aren’t lazy, who work out, who take care of themselves, even if their starving themselves is killing them, because nothing tastes as good as skinny feels or whatever….

So I think ignoring the fatties, because we know they are lying and don’t believe they are hot, is the way to live a good life.

The other way, is to watch hot chicks doing fitness, showing off what fitness does to them, encouraging them to keep it up, because their quality of life, ability to ride a dick for longer periods of time, and overall health and wellness, mental health and wellness, is better cuz they are fat fucks slowly killing themselves.

SO choose fitnes, or fit girls, so fatties can get put back in their place, alone at home behind a pizza box watching ROM COMs hoping to one day try sex…..because they know, like we know, that they are vile.

Posted in:Workout