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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I guess you could argue that some of the girls out there with tiny tits don’t have hot tiny tits, they are emaciated freaks who either starve themselves to death, are vegans, or are suffering some auto-immune diseases from COVID shots or they have AIDS and/or Cancer……but at least they are skinny…and skinny is important in a world where being fit means you’re a minority. They are trying to kill us.

In my unofficial role as Itty Bitty Titty Ambassador, it’s self proclaimed, which is apparently a solid diagnosis for any ailments from what gender you are, what kind of sex you like, whether you are on the spectrum, what your pronouns are, what mental health issues they have, and what chronic illnesses they have, it’s all NARCISSISM, it’s all crazy……so why shouldn’t I be everything I say I am like it’s my TWITTER bio, only I don’t have twitter, BIG TECH banned me..

But yeah, this is my support for TINY TITS, to encourage hot natural tiny tits and the hot bodies they are attached to, to not get ravaged by either getting the chop and turned into a weird version of a self proclaimed dude despite the vagiana, or getting ravaged by fake tits implants that make them a bimbo, because Tiny Tit Lives Matter, and here’s some tight body tiny tit girls and a few les hot tiny tits, all to say – Tiny Tits are Hot cuz they are tits.

Posted in:TINY TITS