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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

It’s pretty funny to me that this whole fat positive, body positive, don’t fat shame me movement ever happened, since fat people are too fucking lazy to do things like trying to not be fat, but have all the time in the world to try to recondition the world views on obesity, which last I checked, leads to chronic illness and premature death, which is only hot if you’re working a rich fat chick into funding you fucking life, hoping she dies prematurely so you inherit everything, ,which was my strategy with my wife, YET she isn’t rich and hasn’t died after 25 years of waiting, painful, but mainly because she smells terrible.

All these fat fucks believed the covid hype, got the shots, were concerned with their health because they were at risk or some shit, yet they don’t seem to go to the source of the issue, which is the reason they are risk, that is BEING FAT!

It’s fucking idiotic, but yeah, these lazy, tired, sleep apnea, medicated, cat owning motherfuckers totally signed up to this body positivity movement, because they get fucked and want to normalize fats, so the fats can sell nudes! You know, motivated to stay fat, but do thing hot skinny chicks should be doing!

I am a no fat chicks allowed kind of guy, but these bold, big girls, who obviously appeal to some people, because some dudes fucking love fucking big girls, and that’s fine, so this is NOT me shaming them, this is me documenting them, despite not understanding it, since I’m into all girls getting naked regardless of size, I just find it weird they want to get naked when they are of a size, but it’s not about me!

I don’t think I do inclusivity right, I’m terrible at this woke shit!

Posted in:Fatty


