I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay fit motherfuckers!u k

To offset the fat fuck post I did earlier, because I actually find fat people repulsive, including myself, who is a fat person and repulsive, so i can fucking shame whoever the fuck I want in my tribe, because I know first hand that big is not beautiful, healthy or impressive and saying that is any of those things is just pandering to idiots, like telling a retard he’s smart because he didn’t eat his own feces at day camp, when the other people half his age don’t eat their own feces because they aren’t fucking retards and know better!

You get what I am saying, and that is that fitness is hot, it looks better, it fucks better, it tastes better, it smells better, it’s just healthier, more desirable, and settling for anything less, LIKE I HAVE done, is selling yourself short!

You should fame fat girls in your life, tell them to get fit, because they’ll thank you for it if they commit, sometimes BULLYING works, and the way to do that is to jerk off to fit girls and let them know about it, tell the next fatty that you’d bang her if she lost 50 pounds, the more people who do that, the more they’ll take the hint or crawl back and hide in their cake filled holes!

Either way, these fit girls are inspiring, me, to transition so that I can go join a gym as a woman and jerk off to them in the shower, but unfortunately, I think fat girls are the majority of the bitches showering at the gym! FuCK! FOILED AGAIN!

Posted in:Workout