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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Being fat positive and not being a body shamer is a mistake!

I know the media gets mad at Fat Shamers, the person running Britney Spears’ account as Britney Spears just got her cancelled for being a fat shamer, where fat activists wrote comments like “this is not it”, when throwing shade at tank Christina Aguilera’s use of fat dancers to make her look skinny! Amazing, we need more WWE style dis conflict in the 40 year old popstar world, it’s not just for lame ass rappers anymore!

Plus, she’s got a fucking point, X-Tina was this tiny thing with bolt on tits, who got rich, lazy, had a kid or two. and turned into Precious, not a great look! TEAM BRITNEY because her captivity everyone is trying to monetize on, at least her fake wedding guests pushing the Britney narrative, that the true Britney fans aren’t buying, because they think she’s been institutionalized, killed, or at the very least replaced by a body double!

So yeah, these fat girls would need to stand next to REALLY FUCKING fat girls to look skinny, and supporting fatness as a lifestyle, is the same as supporting drug addiction, or sexual offenders, because fat kills, it is sickness, it is premature death, and it’s not SEXY!

I post this to remind you, while pretending to be a Fat Positive motherfucker, inclusive but for all the wrong reasons, sure I’ll post you fatty, not for the fat fetishists but to save the indoctrinated dudes who are being brain washed and convinced they are fat fetishists, now that all chicks are fat, even though in the depth of their soul, they are wondering why this fat bitch is acting like a hot chick, it doesn’t make sense, it’s not how society was built!

Remember, men are apologizing for being men, white people apologizing for being white, straight dudes are fucking men to de-stigmatize gay, or some insanity, or fucking trannies so that they aren’t transphobic, lots of weak people, just way to keen about being suffocated by a big bellied MUFF gut!

Posted in:Fatty


