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Armpit Fetish of the Day

I’ve talked about Armpit fetishes over the years because I’ve personally known 2-3 homeless degenerates with WHITE PRIVILEGE who were very into Armpits.

Back in the 90s, my boy “Fried Chicken”, who we called “Fried Chicken” because he licked a hooker we hired at 4 am and she wanted to know what the smell was, so yeah, “Fried Chicken” would try to negotiate with strippers while getting lap dances to let him sniff their armpits, I guess their pheromones got him off, and eventually, he’d start paying them to let him fuck their armpits in the lap dance room, because he would convince them that it wasn’t real sex work and that no one would know, while throwing 200 dollars, which was a lot of money at the time, at them.

In more recent times, I met another dude who would go on Tinder dates with any Tinder girl willing to meet up and spend the date convincing them to let him fuck their armpit, most thought it was weird enough to let him try, and he had a great success rate.

So armpit fetishes exist, not just hairy armpit fetishes, which grosses me out, because as a kid, one of my foster parents was a midget with massive tits, like a legit midget who had blocks on her car pedals and a pillow to prop her up, she looked like a garden gnome and was missing fingers, and she would make some of the most disgusting fucking food we’d have no choice but to eat because we were hungry, wearing tank tops, that you’d see get all soaked from her hairy fucking armpits dripping sweat into our fucking disgusting food we’d have no choice to eat but who cares about me and my armpit shaming, this is about ARMPIT fetishes, so check out some ARMPIT!

Posted in:Armpits