I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I probably had COVID this past weekend, assuming you believe in that sort of thing, which I don’t necessarily believe in, but if it was COVID, it was an absolute joke, and amazes me that they shut down society for 2 years because of it, so I can only blame the health care workers for playing it up because they liked the attention, only to realize they could build off that attention by getting naked for supplemental income, in an era where everyone wants to be rich and famous, you use whatever angle or hook you can, but that forced them to KEEP playing it up as some major crisis, they needed they sympathy points, which is why I take out my revenge for being a cog in the wheel of the collapse of society or at least the economy, since most people are WORSE off because of the whole pandemic, not better off, whether with mental health that I don’t believe in, but that people believe in and become victims to, or just by being broke asses who don’t want to leave the house or work, since NOT everyone got stupid rich selling nudes, even though a lot of people did!

Anyway, I get my payback by looking at their nudes in their SCRUBS for attention, which is probably what they want us to do, but I like to think I’m being a jerk, so TAKE THAT naughty fucking nurses and your biohazard hospital cunts!!

I guess we’re not in such a terrible place as a society where you can post your nudes from work to the internet without any concern of being fired or humiliated or ruined, it’s a win for us all, bringing the voyeurs and the exhibitionists together where they belong!

Posted in:NURSES