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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed….

I am a firm believer in bullying, I think it is just the microcosm of society, you know nothing in life is easy, nothing is a free handout, people in the working world hate on you, people in the dating world hate on you, so why not prepare people for that obvious disappointment that comes with the rejection they are going to face…..

Therefore, I am not into equal opportunities for all people, I don’t give a shit if people try or carve their niche, but I don’t think we need to normalize things like obesity for fear of hurting feelings.

I think you can tell a fat slut she’s a fat slut that repulses you, or that the fat slut should lose weight or not eat that piece of cake and still be able to fuck her…..

Giving her a complex is far more reasonable or fair than trying to tell her that she’s beautiful the way she is, so she doesn’t take action and dies a premature fat death.

The fact is fat kills, fat isn’t hot, fat is preventable, if you’re fat you eat too much, if you’re fat you’re lazy or don’t workout enough, at least not for the amount you eat.

End of fucking story…

Fat causes cancer, fat causes heart disease and chronic illness that requires daily medication that cause other issues while fuelling the pharma industry.

Fat by all angles is not beautiful and if you think it is, it’s a niche fetish, like fucking a walking corpse or an ANIME sex doll, you’re weird.

Do I care that fat girls have confidence to get naked, no, will I look, yes, is it like a sideshow to me, definitely, should these be their before pics before they figure out they are self destructing, 100 percent….

So I do this post for hope, for a better tomorror, for inclusivity, and hopefully to motivate you fucks to not be so fucking fat….it’s KILLING you and I care.

Posted in:Fatty