Sophie Mudd’s Pressed Holiday Hams for the Holidays are exciting…Chistmas spirit shit….not that they are called pressed hams, I am sure there’s an internet name for the titty smoosh, but when I was younger, a person pressing their ass against the buss window, or any window was called a pressed ham. that was 100 years ago so I don’t know if that is still a thing or if you can call the squishing of a tit against a window a pressed ham also….maybe it’s called boob ironing, boob smothering or maybe you don’t have to use the word boob at all and just call it titties in the window….who cares what the fucking name of it is, it’s about what it looks like and what it represents and that’s some weirdness, especially if this is from her paid site, which it probably is.
So yes, Sophie Mudd has monster boobs, but for a while tried the legitimate career from the audience she built off her boobs, only to realize she cold make stupid money from her boob loving fans if she gave them a little more boob, but in being a classy lady who sells partial nude content, she’d never give them what they want…the nipple…since being able to size it up and figure it out would mean getting what they wanted out of her….and unsubscribing….
So instead of doing nice, classy, nude content with her giant boobs people love and pay for, she does high school level shit where she’s got the boob out, but the nipple taped up, so she feels like it’s not the full boob, and it all comes across as being real fucking dumb….just show the damn titty girl.
Could you imagine being one of her simp losers paying her every month for her content, only to get this novelty shit you’d expect to see at a college party, WITHOUT the nipple tape in the way.
I know I’d be pretty fucking mad, no matter HOW giant her tits are….as a host body, she’s being pretty embarrassing with those tits.
She was given a responsibilty, a BIG BIG responsibility and she’s letting us all down…but I’ll still stare at the Pressed Hams for Christmas dinner….they’re tits smothered against a fucking window…not the hottest way to present us with a tit….BUT still a tit.
Anyway, she also hopped onto the COWBOY trend and it looked pretty good to me…..
BIG boobs matter….even on TINY TIT TUESDAY..

Posted in:Sophie Mudd