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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I posted this video earlier, because it made me laugh. You see fat girls love being fat girls, even though we all know they hate being fat girls.

The current system is set up to create fat girls, and to divert fat girls from being unhappy, to keep them fat by pushing things like body positivity and inclusivity.

It all got bad when they started making fat girl sizes in sexy clothes, because as someone married to an Obese Bitch, the only thing we had access to for decades was elastic waistbands that would be almost humiliating to wear, furthering the depression, the bad eating, the premature death….

So now they’ve got a whole market out of fat girls, a whole industry out of fat girls, and dudes still fuck them because more and more girls are becoming fat for the fuck of it, why bother working out or eating well, when you can slowly kill yourself….

Or not so slowly….

Earlier today, I saw some fat Tv personality from some fat show that sensationalized fat people died at 37, I am sure it’s because being fat was so healthy for her….some of the articles even said she was doing well because she lost 400 pounds, but the joke in that is that she was origianlly 800 pounds, so she was fucking 400 pounds….

I mean in no world is that ever healthy….so it’s all pretty fucking jokes to me.

Anyway, another victim fat girl whiner, because fat chicks have always whined, usually for food or from exercising, is mad at the diet industry….not realizing that YOU can get fit, you CAN get healthy and fatness is a fucking choice…oh and Fatness fuels a lot more money than the diet industry you fat fuck….

So yeah, this is my post for inclusiveness, body positivity, while pointing and laughing at how gross it is.

Here’s that fetish shit they are trying to normalize…but that we all know is gross.

Posted in:Fatty


