I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

It’s nice to see that the medical system, that is marketed as being at capacity, or that it’s dealing with a worker shortage because people don’t like working anymore. I mean if you go to any store, restaurant, cafe or business, you’ll see that there’s no one working, which always confuses me, but then again working fucking sucks, why waste your time doing it….if you can live at your parents house….

But yeah, with shortages, with overextended systems, the women still bring the nudes and the hot pics because why the fuck now, it’s another revenue stream that’s far greater than their current one, or that can be….and that’s really the dream….ALL while being jerked off to…

Maybe the nude hustle is the reason for the shortage, everyone quiting to do porn, I don’t know, but more nudes from work, even when covered in bacteria and human waste, the better.

Posted in:NURSES