Someone told me that the biggest scam right now in Hollywood is producing documentaries about topics people are interested in, assuming you have access to the topics people are interested in, because the overall cost of doing a documentary is cheap since most of the talent in the documentary are just volunteering their time to tell the story, yet the streaming sites pay millions upon millions of dollars….
So I’ve been thinking, this blog shit is a waste of time and doesn’t make me rich. It’s thankless and no one cares, even I don’t care, about the shit I am writing, it’s just a terrible fucking habit….
I’m not whining about it, this isn’t some self help, poor me, the internet moved faster than I did and I compete with actual comedians and personalities, infleuncers, and retards of social media, acting like some victim cuck…If I wanted to be famous, I would have made myself famous….
So yeah, don’t think I am whining, I am just brainstorming some ideas on documentaries that we could produce together, you and me, you provide the budget, I’ll provide the good times…..and so far….the best idea I have is….
Jennifer Aniston’s Nipples and how they changed the course of TV in an era before internet pornography….
Friends was a corny fucking show, but yet so many men have jerked off to it, all because they exploited Aniston’s nipples, to the point where we all assumed she was wearing prosthetic nipples, in what was a total shameless display of nipples, making primetime sitcom TV almost tolerable.
I don’t even know how many scenes she was in where the nipples weren’t hard, and clearly they knew what they were doing with their uses of said nipples….
It was a “why are they always hard”….not that we minded, at the time hard nipples were enough to jerk off to, we didn’t need all the throat fucking porn we have now….but we still wondered whether she iced herself, or whether David Schwimmer just got her riled up for a nip-gasm….
It’s an important conversation, especially after seeing that she’s still up to her same nipple tricks all these years later…..
The nipples that never DIE, which is ironic, since her uterus did and she never go to use them for their intended purpose….maybe that’s the point, the nips that weren’t used to feed offspring, but that was used to feed heathen smutty TV content to pave the way for an internet generation of porn.
I’m onto something, PRODUCERS OUT THERE, hit me up on my two-way, fuckers.
Posted in:Jennifer Aniston