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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I am all for inclusivity, I figure let anyone do and say whatever the fuck they want and if they can find success with it, good on them, I don’t give a fuck either way what they do….

Which means, I am all for inclusivity including people who hate certain things that are being normalized or included into general hive mind collective consciousness of society.

Like, I don’t care that fat chicks exist and sexualize themselves, but I do care that I can’t call it gross.

I don’t care that brands hire fat chicks, but I do care when they replace hot chicks with fat chicks, instead of just giving the fat chicks their own kind of side show.

I don’t care that fat chicks think being fat as fuck is healthy, empowered and fierce, but I do care that they tell young people that it’s ok to be fat, despite all evidence being the opposite, but why focus on evidence, THAT IS YOUR SCIENCE, BIGOT….

So when I see the woke mob charging and fighting for the marginalized in an annoying way, I also see them targeting the hotties….or last night, the woke mob pushing gay shit, went after the Muslim migrant community that they’ve also defended, it’s like a fucking confusing warzone….

In said warzone, you are categorized transphobic if you don’t accept a man turned woman as being a woman because they decided to be a woman, and you choose to not want to fuck their vagina or suck their dick since they didn’t get a vagina yet…..

So it’s probably fatphobic to fat fat vile….so maybe the RIGHT thing to do to fit in, to be a good person, is to jerk off to some of this shit….it’s INCLUSIVITY….DUH…

Posted in:Fatty


