As great as a set of sloppy tits suffocating a motherfucker as they bounce of your chin can be…..the more manageable, tiny titties can be fun too….
I am a firm believer in the natural tit being a wonderful tit and altering the tit may be good in pictures if the job was well done, but it’s fake shit in a fake world of fake people chasing fake dreams and pushing fake news with no real identities, just fucking fake….I like authenticity…
I’m also perverted enough to go “awwwww tits” when I see tits, without doing a flowchart and excel spreadsheet on what would make the tit better, because that’s what losers who don’t get tits do from their nerd stations….
So as a pro natural tit, I am by default a pro tiny tit, and in a lot of cases, the tiny tits are just built so much better than the giant tit, and their foundation, the host body, is often tighter and more desirable….
So tiny tits out there, show me your tits, I am your ally.
Posted in:TINY TITS