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Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks Allowed, is the general consensus of this site, my life but unfortunately not my marriage, but in my defence, I got involved with a fatty back when they were not coveted, or fetishized, just looked down upon. She was on disability, it was my own kind of sugar baby-ing, when you don’t have much to offer, you sugar baby what you can get, like the girl who fucks for Subway Sandwiches still gets Subway Sandwiches, even though other Sugar Babies get their rent paid and G-Wagons…..it’s a sliding scale….I also thought I was hedging my bets, because she was supposed to die sooner than this, it’s been 30 fucking years and her obesity hasn’t killed her. I feel so lied to…..

But yeah, there’s a time and a place for fatties, and that time and place isn’t here, but we do it for inclusivity, but also to motivate these fatties to get their lives together and hit the gym, stop eating the cake, you’re better than this…

Which is why the meme that reads “Be nice to fat chicks at the gym so they remember you when they get fit” is so important, you can be the nice guy, but you can’t be complicit in their suicide, you have to motivate gently or cyber bully like me, either way, fat isn’t hot, it’s deadly, it’s not normal, it’s self destructive….so this lie that it is hot, cuz we’re all perverts, is detrimental to us all!

Here are those fatties…

Posted in:Fatty