I'll Make You Famous…




Jenna Jameson Bikini of the Day

You know what the world needs more of….Jenna Jameson…

She’s a legend and at 40-something, she still brings it….

She was an early money maker with her membership site she sold to Playboy for 100 million dollars or some shit, where she’d do one fuck scene a month for that 100 million dollars….

She has since gone crazy, but you’d have to be crazy to have been a fixture in the adult world back when she was, which was back when it meant something.

The girls then weren’t just lazy pigs chasing clout, doing fuck scenes 2 times a day for clout, selling nudes on existing platforms….the girls back then had to be fearless, or crazy, because it wasn’t seen as cool or classy or marketable….People would shun you for your involvement in porn, blacklisted from society, but welcomed in the gutter industry that was porn.

Now they treat you like a legit celeb and legit celebs are doing member sites, they feed you ad deals and podcast views….making her a hell of a lot more interesting, daring, edgy, exciting than these soft spoiled porn chicks of this era….

So I support recent lesbian married Jenna in all her bikini glory, all dinosaur-like, but a symbol of the good days of porn, not the best days of porn but the better than the the close-up face fucking days we’re in…thanks to the TUBE sites…


Posted in:Jenna Jameson