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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

We got some tiny tits to remind you that liking tits of all size thanks to being tits is perfectly acceptable and it only makes you gay if the tiny tits have a dick attached to them…which in this era…happens more than it probably should….but people like to fight god’s will and think he gets it wrong because we’re in a godless society that doesn’t think God is great, but rather than saving up money or having State sanctioned and paid for surgery to cut your dick off is…

Yes, this is a celebrating tiny tit post, because I like the tight bodies that rock the tiny tits and have always appreciated a Tiny Tit for the nipple…but there’s always one middle of the road Walmart shopper out there who is like “tiny tits are for fags man”…as her faps in the bathroom to some fat chick he saw in the donut section….too fat for most, but not too fat to be willing to fuck him….

Posted in:TINY TITS