I'll Make You Famous…




How Much Does Your Sex Doll Weigh of the Day

In a world where everyone is pretty much as fake as they can be. From instagram pictures that are edited so hard they might as well be AI, to instagram comments that are empty and meaningless, that might as well be written by AI. It can make for a depressing  and lonely experience.

We are at the point in society where we can embrace our loneliness, or take it upon ourselves to entertain ourselves, because any human interaction or experience will likely be an empty one.

We are one step closer to the sex bot era of robot women satisfying our needs, because real life women have basically become robot women, only more annoying.

So it’s not a bad idea to get yourself a head star but connecting with a doll in ways you probably always thought you would, but for a while didn’t want to because of the stigma attached to being a grown man with dolls you can have sex with.

Well, who cares what people think, it’s time to be fearless and brave, to take your own happiness into your own hands, or better yet artificial vagina.

The only thing you need to worry about is how you customize your sex doll. What do you need out of her, like when buying a new car, or new house, or really a new anything. Line up those needs and wants and find the perfect match.

Things to consider are size and weight, you need to make sure that your sex doll is manageable for you. You may want to take her out on walks in her wheelchair and on drives in your car and you don’t want to pull your back out, or get a hernia doing it.

You may want a heifer, or 200 pounder to feel like you’re dealing with a real life big girl that you like breaking into a sweat or getting a workout in handling.

You may want a lighter doll for ease of handling and maneuverability, if you’re weaker or more experimental in your positions.

Be realistic about your own physical capabilities and strength. If you have limitations or concerns about lifting or moving heavier objects, it might be more practical to choose a lighter doll that you can handle comfortably, because we don’t want you to die here.

You also need to consider the space you have available for storage and use, if you have roommates or you live with your mom, you may need a more subtle and demure girlfriend. You can always get a half body sexdoll is lighter in weight and easier to store if you can get past the horror movie aspect to the whole half body thing, just view it as inclusivity and supporting diversity because not all sexdolls are full bodied and you’d hate to be seen as some kind of bigot.


Their body composition can also affect their weight, silicone dolls tend to be heavier than TPE dolls, you can also mix and match by choosing a silicone head and TPE body love doll just like Tifa SexDoll.

The most important thing is that heavier dolls are more expensive while Sex dolls cheap are basically smaller and lighter.

For a broke-ass like me, just give me a toilet paper roll and some rotting sandwich meat, but for a baller like you, AIM FOR THE STARS!

Posted in:sex doll