I'll Make You Famous…




Carmen Electra, Drea De Mateo and Tamara Sue Thorne Whoring Out Together of the Day

I figured I would post these screencaps, that are relatively tame screencaps, but that are weird screencaps of a live broadcast of Bella Thorne’s manager mom who is also capitalizing on the OnlyFans hustle. She’s the Kris Jenner of OnlyFans, where she helps seduce women into lauching OnlyFans accounts through her company so that she gets 20 percent or more of their earnings. It’s enterprising, lucrative but also being a modern pimp.

I guess she’s involved in these old timers like Drea de Matteo, Carmen Electra and maybe even Denise Richards jumping on the trend, WHO KNEW…and who really cares…they are old…

I just think it’s funny that long gone are knitting groups for senior women, or church groups, or mission work, or charity work, my granny would make Christmas baskets for poor people, or stuffed toys for cancer kids…..but this vapid group of washed up, dried up, menopausal trash are drinking wine and being degenerate perverts for random internet people is the new normal….like some kind of weird self produced pornstars….and they are clout chasing each other to cross promote and amplify…..

It’s weird.

Posted in:tamara thorne