I'll Make You Famous…




Courtney Stodden Lives of the Day

The funniest thing about Courtney Stodden is that she is only 29 years old.

I know that 29 years old is old enough for the rotting like a corpse in your basement to start, you know because women age like bread, or like your jar of sperm you keep next to your bed, you sick fuck….

But a 29 year old Courtney Stodden is shockingly young, because I’ve thought she was 30 since she was introduced to us via that actor she married that didn’t get arrested for marrying a teen.

I’ve been a fan of Stodden, when all the tabloids were abusing her for being some clown titty goddess, as she released sex tapes and other things, because there was a time when the woke were the VICTIM BLAMERS and the real bullies of the internet before they re-centered and decided to be virtue signallers.

My biggest life regret, or at least one of them because there are a few strategic moves I could have made to be set for life in luxury, is that I didn’t go to her Halloween party all those years ago when I managed to get invited. I would have fully stole her panties and SNIFFED em.

Well, she’s still around and she is in bikini.

Posted in:Courtney Stodden