I'll Make You Famous…




Stella Hudgens’ Christmas Bush of the Day

Stella Hudgens posted a picture of her bush last week, I guess I missed it because who the fuck cares about these people and their nude cash grabs, it’s not very authentic, just an opportunistic cash grab from fake people.

Not that I don’t love bush, seeing bush is always exciting to me, no matter who is rocking the bush, even now that the bush is a trend amongst the most annoying of people…

Not that I don’t love shameless nudity for self promotion and cash grabs because it reduces these people who used to pretend they were above this kid of thing to being exactly what I expected them to be.

Not that I don’t love the siblings, children or celebrity adjacents who are so close to the celebrity life of luxury, that they can’t really figure out their own purpose or identity….especially when they get naked.

I guess, this is everything I’d hope for it to be, gunt hanging over the bush and all….

Now, we just have to wait for the first orgasm on camera, which will lead to lesbian sex, which will lead to full sex, which will lead to everyone’s a porn star in this era where porn is on the outs and TRAD is on the in.

Lame, but bush…and some compelling marketing material to get you to pay for the bush.

Here she is in her bikini:

Posted in:Stella Hudgens