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Alec Baldwin’s Raging Like a Murderer of the Day

There was a time when Alec Baldwin threatened me on twitter, it was the glory days when I could annoy people on the internet because the internet wasn’t as dark and annoying of a place that has since sucked the life out of us. He was potentially mad that I used to mock his daughter, but being attacked by the Alec Baldwin foundation at the time was funny, probably better than being attacked by Alec Baldwin now that he’s got the taste of blood….

I have always had a general dislike for Alec Baldwin as a celebrity, he’s just not as appealing as he thinks he is and he consistently throws tantrums like a little bitch actor, because actors are all little bitches, which makes them zero intimidating, like I could totally make Baldwin cry, coddled wimpy loud mouthed bitch.

When he pulled the trigger and took out that camera girl, who may have been a spy, it was pretty fucking funny to me, not because a girl died, but because of course the tempter tantrum bitch actor was behind the death of someone even if it was marketed as a work accident.

He didn’t go to jail which was unfortunate to me, but he might as well be locked up from Ireland Baldwin, his larger than life, or at least a lot larger than the average girl, daughter he went nuts on when she was just a little kid, calling her a pig for the world to see, and yet he still got work from the likes of Tina Fey and whoever else hired the monster since then.

They are all accomplices in the murder they package as a work accident….

Anyway, the actor was seen without his wife he’s bred a lot despite her fake accent and origin story, at some bullshit protest that I have no opinion on, because I don’t get involved in shit I don’t care about….

But Baldwin did, because he’s angry like a murdering actor doesn’t give a shit about letting the world see him rage like a murdering actor because actors don’t get in trouble for things like murder. They do probably get insurance payouts because they are seen as work accidents though!

One day, we can all hope someone gives this monster what he deserves….it won’t be me, since I don’t care, but there’s gotta be someone out there who deeply hates everything about him…..

In the meantime, his tantrums are entertaining….so here’s a new one.

Posted in:Alec Baldwin