I'll Make You Famous…




Stella Hudgens in Bed of the Day

I don’t know if this is Stella Hudgens’ Super Bowl content, or if this was her attempt at competing with the Super Bowl content, knowing that not everyone watches the Super Bowl and that those people who think it’s scripted bullshit, where billionaire slave owners make their slaves fight like gladiators over a ball while billions of people watch, need something to do with their time, other than act outraged in the injustices of the world as they make everything about racism, even when a motherfucker makes 40 million a year….

Maybe her strategy is to get in on some of that sports betting money, since it’s the biggest fucking thing around….or maybe she’s just trying to keep up momentum in her cash grab now that she’s decided to sell nudes to pervert fans of bother her and her Disney sister…..

It’s a weird world where the internet nude has become a product celebrity siblings sell to weird people, but you gotta factor in how many freaks are on the internet, maybe you’re one of them, who is so socially awkward and desperate that this is how you get off. I don’t know, autism maybe?

She’s getting more aggressive, there will be DICK IN VAG soon enough, we’re building up to it, but for now, it’s EMOJI censorship….still fun, probably not worth the monthly payment, but ya know do what you gotta do with your money, while I wait here for the angry subscribers to leak all her content to the mooches like us.

Point of the story, she’s a lot of fun!

Posted in:Stella Hudgens