I'll Make You Famous…




Hilary Duff’s Pregnancy Swimsuit of the Day

Hilary Duff is a slutty child star who has been linked to a lot of men over the course of her existence in the limelight and we can only imagine there are many that aren’t named because it was done secretly at casting pool parties or at celebrity homes that have tight security as they transported in an old repair van for the fuck…you know how it is.

She’s also got kids with multiple men, pregnant again, because she’s obviously anti-abortion and has a breeder fetish…just getting all cummed inside of herself all the fucking time until one sticks because she’s a fucking pervert into sex.

Anyway, she posted a pretty weird and creepy ready to drop in her swimsuit…talking about her kids being home while she does her stretches half naked in this diarrhea colored suit that looks like a turd that grew fat stubby legs…

The shadow of her gunt over her used up mom cunt is the highlight of this shot…and by highlight I mean notable thing to look at to disgust you….

Posted in:Hilary Duff