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Margot Robbie in a Black Dress of the Day

I don’t know if I’m just a hater but other than Margot Robbie in Wolf of Wall Street, where she was naked, I’ve found her to be the most overrated pile of dog shit to exist in the Hollywood world…

I don’t know why I’d be a hater of a hot chick for no real reason, but I guess it comes down to her being marketed as being far hotter than she actually is and seemingly believing and amplifying that lie….because why wouldn’t she, she’s gets paid and with that smut that was Barbie made something like 100 million dollars in a year, knowing just how dog shit that movie was but pretending it was culturally important because it makes her lots of money…

I guess I want hotter and more impressive chicks marketed to my testicles than this weathered Australian sun damage that pretends to be 30 but is actually in her late 40s, like that Fat Amy celebrity lesbian…you looking like she’s straight from the outback where she was working as a prostitute to some bush people and miners….but instead luxurious and famous…

The good news for the racists out there is that she’s a blonde bitch, rather than some ethnic with a birth defect and a chronic illness, with a STOMA bag and webbed tows, wheel chair bound and midget in stature….for inclusivity, which I guess is the other angle they play with celebrities, so to the average person who doesn’t have a retard fetish, Robbie is better…..I don’t know if that’s saying much, but it is saying something!


Posted in:Margot Robbie