I'll Make You Famous…




Bai Ling Forever of the Day

There is a revival of all that was good in the late 90s and early 2000s. The young kids are attaching themselves to those late 90s fashions, which means that there is hope that a 90s style BLOG like this will finally get the appreciation it deserves. Doubtful, but I want a private jet.

That being said, one of the icons of our time was Bai Ling who even in the mid 2000s was probably in her 50s….which means that 20 years later she’s in her 70s and still up to her old confusing antics we never quite understood.

I appreciate the famous for the paparazzi girls of that era who did their own kind of influencer marketing by moving to LA and sucking off the paparazzi in their outrageous outfits. It took more effort than these lazy influencers of our time, so I’ll look at Bai Ling’s ass until she’s 100, hoping it smells like orange beef and that it comes with a fortune when it comes like a cookie.

Posted in:Bai Ling