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Victoria Justice Has Titties of the Day

Victoria Justice has got some titties and she’s into showing them off, since we’re a half retarded group of APES who just go mental when we see tits, which has worked out nicely for the girls who have tits. The get fucking paid bro.

I don’t know if Victoria Justice has always had this set of tits, she’s a Kids Choice Award winner, so when she was at the peak of her coverage on Nickelodeon, I wouldn’t have been paying attention because I prefer girls who have a bit more mileage, baggage, damage, sadness, death behind their eyes of a life gone wrong….so long as they aren’t over 40.

Anyway, the Nickelodeon who was probably NICKED AT NIGHT by some of the producers, if you know what I mean, is working on some kind of comeback and CHECK OUT THE TitS.

She’s wore or whored some TITTY dress for the LATIN awards since her mom is Puerto Rican from the Bronx, possibly Jennifer Lopez, but probably not.

Posted in:Victoria Justice