I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Obesity has penetrated society, at least American Society so hard that it’s almost a cultural thing….

The chairs are bigger, the food is filled with more shit to make them fatter, the clothes come in sizes they can grow into, the airplanes have seat belt extenders for the over 300 pounders and on any given flight you’ll probably see a few 300 pounders…

The Walmart line has become the everywhere line….and the fat fucks don’t even realize it and I’m a fat fuck, who is even LESS fat of a fuck as they are, who realizes it…yet these fat fucks are all shirtless and in thong bikinis on the all you can eat cruises getting fatter…..

So fat fucks do hot chick things and wear hot chick clothes while looking like they ate all the hot chicks around in some horror movie premise that should be made….”Attack of the Killer Fatty”….with nothing but a huge appetite and an all you can eat buffet, this monster’s doing all they can to kill any semblance of a sex appeal, even when doing sexual things…

Obesity is clearly the future….unfortunately….it is also the now, so we need to train to jerk off to this shit because it will be all we know, unless we have budgets to fly internationally to European countries, or Latin Countries, where the chicks are ALL 300 pounds due to disease and poverty….

Posted in:Fatty