I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Moss and her Daughter Bring the Boners of the Day

Kate Moss is a legend and even in her old age, all weathered and used up, is still worth jerking of to because she’s a fucking legend….but I’ve been a Kate Moss fan since the 90s…skinny bitches with a rock and roll attitude making tons of money, flashing their tits and doing party drugs out in the open, the way fashion parties were meant to be when they were exclusive and not filled poser dick sucks…

Her daughter, since it’s her daughter is a legend in the making, or a legend worth mating with, all blonde and skinny and hot…

They were at a GUCCI event last night because they are fashion industry people, and BONERS were had…or would have been had if I took my boner pills from the gas station, not that anyone would notice, since I have an inny.

Posted in:Kate Moss