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Kelly Osbourne Bikini of the Day

Kelly Osbourne is not very hot, she’s never been hot, but I am sure the diehard Ozzy fans think she’s hot knowing she was shat out of his satanic testicles….

She was the fat and annoying troll entitled rich kid on their TV show, who grew up to be fat and probably less annoying since we never hear much about her, but recently she got on Ozempic as lazy pigs everywhere do, hoping for that fat loss without effort or stopping of the food, and I guess that brings the confidence to take her fat mom body, now less fat, to the pool in a bikini rather than one of those fat lady designed dresses with the skirts integrated into them, which fat ladies don’t even wear anymore because they all like to have their guts hang over their bikini bottoms like the pigs they are…

I don’t know why I am posting this..

Posted in:Kelly Osbourne