I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I like to think that the hive mind is finally coming to their senses….

That the collective sheep brain is starting to figure things out, arguably too little too late, because the whole inclusivity thing went totally out of hand and defied logic.

I guess sometimes you need things to go far too far to get the retards out there to finally get out of their lazy self involved medicated and poor food quality brains to realize that they’ve been fed a bag of dicks, or a bag of lies…

There is no world where a fat chick is seen as hot to anyone but the 5% of people who have a fat fuck fetish, or who know they are fucking losers and that they can only land a fatty.

Sure, the fat chicks like to think they are hot, all in their plus sized version of hot girl clothes, getting the hair and make-up done, doing the same injections and AI filters to make them as hot as they can on instagram…but they are still fat.

We are wired to be turned off by fat chicks that are unhealthily fat….and finally people are like “enough with the fat chicks, bring back hotties”…

So I celebrate the girls out there, even when too masculine and probably no longer getting their period level of fit, because at least they aren’t fat…

Here are some fitness girls…

Posted in:Workout