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Workout Wednesday of the Day

In a world of fat fucks….

Stay fit bitches…

It’s a competitive advantage and a way to live a longer more prosperous life in this hell we call society.

A little muscle mass goes a long way when the majory of people are fat sick fucks who are gross to look at…

Even when the clit starts looking like a dick because there’s no fat to hide it and there’s testosterone to turn it into a little clit dick…

Giving a clit a handjob is less gay than fucking an actual tranny…so for you closet cases out there…choose body building women to satisfy your giving handjob urges…and for the rest of us, fit girls are good to have around the house for chores, heavy lifting and athletic sex practices….or maybe they’ll even whip you into shape by association…either way, at least they aren’t fat fucks…

Posted in:Workout